Advanced Trick
Synchronizing the time clock on attacks gives you an extra advantage over the opponent.
Synchronization of clocks in Simcity BuildIt

In complicated wars, where the opponent tends to put a lot of boosters, synchronizing the game's time clock gives an extra advantage (sometimes of several seconds).

What is this clock synchronization?

Going as little as possible into technical details, the Wars are synchronized through a time clock on the Simcity BuildIt server. This way the game controls the battles better, and prevents them from being manipulated (not even by hacking the game).

But of course, this has major problems for gamers. The game (installed on each gamer's device), carries an APPROXIMATE time clock to account for energy recovery time, booster time in a city, etc., and every time you vary the clock of any items (launching attacks, setting boosters, etc.), the game located on your device checks it against the server clock before performing the action. This leads to a delay, in addition to the fact that the clock of the game on your device does not have to be completely accurate to the time that the server counts, so there are some lags in the attacks that can benefit your opponent.

How to solve it?

With this Trick it is solved and, to explain the trick, it will be done from an example.

Let's imagine that a rival city has a jackpot of 30 minutes, and the city to defend itself has a dud of 10 minutes.

It may be that just when the 10-minute dud ends, you want to attack to take advantage of the remaining jackpot minutes, but there is a risk that at the end of the dud, the opponent will set another dud.

It is in a case like this that time synchronization comes into play.

When there are about 20 seconds left for the dud to end, you have to do "something" that forces the game to synchronize the clock on your device with the REAL clock on the server, so that you know exactly when to attack and do not delay.

Since there is a jackpot set, when there are 20 seconds left, try to put a jackpot on that city (even if you know you can't, do it!!!). You will see that the booster clock and available energy varies slightly.

Now yes, when the dud is over, launch your attacks, possibly you are faster than your opponent (it will give you an extra 1 or 2 seconds advantage - sometimes more, which will make your opponent not have time to dud before you attack).

So, in general, the trick is to perform an action that you can't perform, so that it forces your device to synchronize the clock with the server's clock, and give you the exact time.

In the picture on the left is an attempt to launch an attack (which is not the shield buster) against a city that is already under shield. This also synchronizes the clocks.