Explore the private area on the website as an Exclusive Member of the YouTube Channel.

Website Register / Login

We are excited to welcome our Exclusive YouTube Channel Members to the private part of the Isla Atlas website. Your participation in our community is essential and we are excited to give you access to an exclusive space filled with additional content and benefits.

You are in the Isla Atlas Club Registration and/or Identification Section.


If you are registering, please enter the information requested on the form. Below you can see a help to know what to enter.

Name: Your first name (Last name is not necessary if you don't want it)
Enter your SimCity BuildIt city name
YouTube user: Enter your YouTube username with which you are an Exclusive Member.
Enter a password of at least 8 characters.
Enter a valid email address
Captcha: Check the "I am not a Robot" box and follow the instructions if necessary.

Once the information is correctly filled in, click on the "Create Isla Atlas Club Account" button.

Please enter the email address associated with your User account. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file.
Requirements to be accepted in the private part of the Isla Atlas Club


You must be registered as an Exclusive Member on YouTube. Without this requirement, your request will be cancelled.


Advantages of being a registered member of the Isla Atlas Club


By being a registered member on the website, you get the following exclusive privileges:

  • Access to ALL Advanced and Expert Tricks.
  • Access to Advanced Tips.
  • To be able to discover the Easter Egg of the website, with a hidden section.
  • Access to exclusive articles on the website.
  • Access to the "El Rinconcito" section (only for Club Partners*)


(*) Club partners are special members, who have a seniority in the club.