In this TIPS section, discover an invaluable source of knowledge and strategies to enhance your SimCity BuildIt experience.

Organized into three skill levels, these tips are designed to help you optimize your gameplay and reach new levels of success. In the basic section (colored green), you will find 20 fundamental tips to master the essential aspects of the game. Advance to the next level (blue color) with another 20 Medium tips that will provide you with deeper details and more city strategies. And for those looking to take their game to the next level, our exclusive section for registered users features the most advanced and sophisticated tips.

Remember: These are not tricks (the tricks are in another section).
Click on each tip to display the information.


Tips for SimCity BuildIt (Basic Level)


Keep your sims' happiness at 100% to always collect the maximum in taxes.
Especially when starting a city, long roads can cost a lot of Simoleon coins to upgrade, so it's always good to introduce a crossroads in them to make upgrades cheaper.
Keeping traffic flowing smoothly is the best way to keep your citizens happy and paying more taxes. Improve the roads as soon as you are asked to do so (at high risk of traffic jams -red-), but if you can, do so only when they are at moderate risk -yellow-
If you follow the trick on how to invest your SimCash, you'll know that having plenty of slots available in your trade depot is a good idea. Bearing in mind, then, that you are not going to have problems with space in your trade depot, always sell products to the Global Market at the maximum price to get the maximum return on sales. Promote it and wait. Depending on the product it will take more or less time, but you will sell everything.
AlgSome factories, power plants, sewage pipes and garbage dumps or incinerators are a major source of pollution. Move them away from residential areas, where their radius of action will not affect them. This will keep your citizens happy and you can bring happiness to the idyllic 100%.
Ensure basic fire, police and sanitation services are covered in all residential buildings.
Just like the previous tip, you should take care of supplies (power, water, sewage and waste management). There should be no shortage of these services.
One way to increase population without having to expand buildings is to put in parks or landscaping that covers residential buildings. Depending on the type, you can increase the population of your city a little more, but be careful not to spend all your money or gold keys on this. Try to balance these specialisations.
Especially in young cities, check that Education, Transport and Beach have their slot in the city. It will give you an extra benefit with the increase in population it generates. With the increase in city experience you can also acquire Entertainment, Mountain, Gaming and Monuments.
Since you don't have a lot of money when you start a city, you should make the most of the buildings you have by expanding them. The buildings that are already built and that you improve, give you more population and you don't need so many basic services
You need 80,000 inhabitants in your city to qualify to build the High-Tech factories, which offer you 5 production slots. It is very important to have these factories as soon as possible. Check out the trick on how to get more money in Simcity BuildIt in the tricks section of the website and you'll understand how important it can be.
Try to play every journal. It's better to play a little but every day, than 7 hours at a time just one day a week. Among the things you can do on a daily basis is to collect the coins collected by your Town Hall.
Your citizens' thought balloons sometimes give you goodies that might be interesting. Open them every time you see them, as just another daily task, and you'll find that every now and then you get a little reward.
When one ship leaves, the next one comes in a few hours. Just see what the next ship is going to ask for, and set up factories and commercial buildings with the goods it will need, so that you will have those materials once it arrives. This will get you golden keys fairly quickly, which you can use on numerous occasions according to your preferences.
While the port is a great ally for getting golden keys, the airport only serves to open up new residential areas. And while it may look attractive (and it is), the residential areas of Paris, London or Tokyo are not the best at certain times (see trick on this).
Golden keys are a precious resource in Simcity BuildIt. Don't waste them. If you play in club wars, they are very valuable for acquiring new attacks or upgrading existing ones. Gold keys are used to buy new buildings, landscaping, etc. (especially if you do design contests), and they are very easy to waste, so manage them wisely.
The Tower of Doctor Vu offers you to unlock disasters in your city, and repairing buildings can earn you Simoleon coins or golden keys. Don't hesitate to open it as soon as possible to get more golden keys. Also in the market, once you open the tower, you can already see the Vu items.
On a journal the game gives you a gift box with products that you can always use. Pick it up every journal, and every 7 chests will give you a gold chest, with special products, coins, SimCash, etc. that will be very interesting. Also, if something doesn't interest you, you can sell it on the global trade market and get some extra coins.
Your neighbour Daniel renews his trade depot every day, and always sells at regular price. Don't hesitate to take everything he has to offer and visit him every journal. Anything you don't want, sell it on Global Trade at the maximum to get a few coins. You always do business with it.
Your club should be an ally in pursuing your interests. Offer your help to your fellow members and receive it as well, so that you grow faster.



Tips for SimCity BuildIt (Medium Level)


All commercial buildings have products that are a bottleneck because of the time they take to produce (paint in the building shop, drill in the hardware store, cabinets in Furniture, etc.). All these items, produce them when you go to sleep, not during playtime. It will save you time and won't crash those commercial buildings which can become very necessary.
Produce is the basis of the game. The more idle your factories or commercial buildings are, the more profit you will lose. Manage your time to keep your factories and commercial buildings at peak performance. Take advantage of production queues in commercial buildings. Check out the Trick on how to earn more coins in Simcity BuildIt from the tricks section of the website.
Contest of Mayors tasks that consist of beach or land expansion give a lot of points, so if you're not in a particular hurry to expand, wait until you have a task to take advantage of and earn those extra points, which can give you an extra edge in the contest.
Especially at the beginning of the creation of a city (and as long as the road is simple), if you don't have money to momentarily widen that road that needs widening so there are no traffic jams on it, you can destroy it and recreate it, so that it gives you extra time to be able to raise the money to widen it without affecting the happiness of your citizens.
If you're doing the Contest of Mayors, take advantage of this and wait to collect the proceeds when you activate one of the most frequent and easiest tasks to do: "Earn Simoleons". You'll get it done even faster.
100,000 coins is a pretty decent figure to make a decent War. Keep in mind that wars, as a rule, consume a lot of resources, and coins can be a very effective source of reserves, especially if you play on a journal day.
You can play Simcity BuildIt without spending a euro on it, and it's the best way to play. But if you want to speed things up, or want to invest your REAL money, take advantage of the many offers that are often available. One good offer is for 0.99 euros to get 25 momentary simCash and 10 simCash every day for a month.
As long as things don't change on Google Play with Simcity BuildIt, it's best to link your city to Facebook. This way, you can never lose your city (unless you lose your Facebook account), and even then, it could be recovered. Google Play works regularly with the game, and it's not the first time that someone in the club has lost a city because they didn't link their city to a Facebook account.
The profile is used to display information to other gamers. You can change it by clicking on the top left of the screen. When you visit other cities, you will be able to see the information they want you to see.
Regions are additional zones that are enabled starting at level 25 city experience. As your city grows you will be able to enable more regions. To enable all 5 regions you will need to have 10,000,000 inhabitants, which is not something that everyone can do. But getting to 4 open regions is logically affordable. The regions are used to increase your storage, expand your population and have spaces where you can develop your skills as a builder. In addition, with them, you can perform important tricks, some of which you can see in the Tricks section of the website.
If you improve the buildings in the regions you will get the currency of that region. It can be used to buy some services in the area itself or the regional storage (this can be seen in one of the basic tricks in the tricks section of the website).
When you create a club, you need 10 cities to be able to start a War. This is not listed in the game's FAQ and is often an unknown for mayors who start their own club. Even if you have reached 10 gamers and started your first War, if the number of gamers drops below 10 at the end of the game, you will not be able to activate a battle either.
In cities that start in battle, in the first war the commercial building is not activated, so you will not be able to buy battle boosters even if you are in a club that uses them. From the second war onwards, the commercial building is enabled, and with it, you will be able to make use of the battle coins - purple - to buy what is offered in the commercial building.
This is not going to happen in two days, but with the Vu Tower maxed out, every time you unlock a disaster in your city (the most powerful one), you get 7 golden keys when you repair all 7 buildings, which is very important when it comes to growing in battles and as a city.
SimCash are very important in any extreme situation (in Club Battles, in Contest of Mayors, in Design Challenges, etc.) as you can get to speed up almost any production, buy initially impossible things, etc. That's why you should always have a small stock of SimCash for your city.
SimCash are almost more precious than coins, in that you can do things with them that you can't do otherwise. That's why knowing how to get them is important for the development of your city. They can be obtained in the gifts in the thought balloons of other cities when you visit them; in the video advertising in exchange for gifts; in your city's Achievements that you can see in the Mayor's Mansion; by winning club wars; in the Passes (of Mayors and Vu, for example); when you get the seventh chest (the gold one) in the daily gift chests; and by purchasing them with real money through Google Play (we do not generally advise this option).
War Coins (in our club we call them purple), can be obtained in 4 different ways: the first is by winning club battles; the second is by repairing green hulls and being lucky enough to get a battle tool instead of a battle tool that gives you battle coins; the third is in the Vu Pass (here there are levels where you can get them, either in the free or the paid one); and the fourth, through SimCash.
When you are in a club, all the plumbob points of all the cities are counted, in order to qualify for the special prize of the club challenge (a different chest depending on the overall team score). But to do so, you must score at least 3,000 plumbob points in order to be eligible for the prize. Those who don't reach these points will get nothing.
Just like with the club challenge, when you're in a club war, if you don't attack, you won't get any reward, whether your team wins or loses. So, attack, at least once, so that, whether your club wins or loses, you can reap the succulent rewards of the war (especially if your team wins).
If you've seen the Contest of Mayors trick, you'll know that it's best to intermittently run this Contest (see trick for why). So in the week that you don't do the contest, cancel all the tasks that don't interest you, and leave 3 or 4 easy tasks to make the minimum plumbob points without dropping from League.



Tips for SimCity BuildIt (Advanced Level)
-only visible to registered members-