Advanced Trick
When you put a jackpot on yourself, your opponent will not waste it and will attack you.
Putting on jackpot booster in Simcity BuildIt

And what is the use of this if the logical thing is to make points and not to give them away?

On certain occasions (when you have a big advantage in points, when you are losing by a lot and you have no thought of fighting more, when an opponent is a hacker and you don't want to fight, etc.), you may need to get battle items -WIs-. If the opponent does not attack you for any reason, you can get a jackpot and they will almost certainly attack you.

For the price of a jackpot (500 battle coins), you will get 15 war items at a very cheap price and, hopefully, some purple coins -in Arena 6-.

If, in addition, you recover while being attacked, you can get even more items.

Note: The risk of not getting anything is quite low.