Medium Trick
Generate large amounts of nails, propelling the completion of milestones.
Trick Nails for milestones (by G3's Town)

Initial conditions:

  1. All factory, Supplies Store and Trade Depot slots free.
  2. Play 1 hour without rest.
  3. Have one Cheetah Speed-Up Token available.
  4. Have at least the Milestone of Produce commercial items.



Factories must be filled with metal, placing the first batch of 10 nails in the Supplies Store activates the Cheetah Speed-Up Token. Now, follow the next steps without stop for an complet hour:

  • collect the generated nails;
  • put them at the maximum price in trade depot;
  • fill the Store slots;
  • repeat.



There are three variants of milestones trios with which to get the most out of the trick. And these are shown below, organized from best to "worst" in descending order (see image on the left).

It is evident that it is difficult to have any of these possibilities, but if the milestones of Produce Commercial and Industrial Items are present it will be more than enough.



The exact number of nails generated, metals used and simoleons to obtain based on each level of the Supplies Store through this trick are the following:

Basic Nails Stats Básicas     
Store Level Prod. TimeNails/hSimoleons MakedMetal used
 Default 5 min 12 items Simoleones 960 24 items
One Star 4:30 min 13.3 items Simoleones 1066.6 26 items
Two Star 4:15 min 14.1 items Simoleones 1128.8 28 items
Three Star 4 min 15 items Simoleones 1200 30 items


Nail Stats with Cheetah Speed-Up Token   
Store LevelProd. TimeNails/hSimoleons MakedMetal used
 Default 25 sec 144 items Simoleones 11520 288 items
One Star 22.5 sec 160 items Simoleones 12800 320 items
Two Star 21.25 sec 169.1 items Simoleones 13552.9 338 items
Three Star 20 sec 180 items Simoleones 14400 360 items



In this case the trio of milestones present are the most optimal, that is, the Top 1 previously shown. Having the Supplies Store with One Star, here is the before and after using the trick:

production comparison


(*) Images and Trick contributed by G3's Town