Basic Trick
The task "Get Simoleons" is very easy with the help of the club.
Simcity BuildIt Simoleons Winning Task

With the complicity of another gamer of the same club, the trick consists of selling products, and that another gamer buys and sells them to you at the same price (what we call COVE -see the trick: Learn to use the acronyms-).

This exchange must be done as many times as needed until you get the necessary coins to achieve the task, keeping in mind that:

  • both must put the exchange products in their respective trade depots without promoting, that is, unchecking the blue box just when they are selected to put them on sale;
  • there must be no other products in your trade depot that are promoted;
  • if you sell groups of 5 products you will transfer the coins you need earlier.


Important note: The products in the trade depot that have been promoted are shown in the global trade market, which means that anyone who sees them can travel to your city and see the rest of the products in your depot.