Medium Trick
Prepare yourself, help yourself from the club, store the buildings that give only 1 point and try, at least, to make the Llama Epic.
Proyecto Épico de Playa en Simcity BuildIt

Success in making an Epic Project, in general, depends on these 4 issues:

  • Prepare: the epic is hard to get, precisely because to get the points it is going to ask you for things you don't normally have. So before doing so, collect items that are difficult to get: bread rolls, cupboards, frozen yogurt, barbecues, ladders, drills, kitchen utensils, tree saplings, lawn chairs, lawn mowers, braziers, backpacks, watermelons or beef.
  • Help yourself from the club: without a doubt, when a gamer gets stuck and has a club like Isla Atlas, asking for help from others will make it possible for you to complete points.
  • Storage the single point buildings: those buildings that are only going to give you one point in the epic you should avoid them and do the epic only with the buildings of the specialization that give you more points, if they can be only 3 and 4 points, even better.
  • Try to get the silver epic (llama): since you are doing something that consumes a lot of coins, it is best to ensure success until, at least, the silver epic.

In addition, we advise you to see the other epic tricks.