Advanced Trick
To make basics quickly and efficiently you need 2 cheetah tokens (x12) and 2 llama tokens (x4).
Factories in Simcity BuildIt

Normally, this trick is used to supply small cities with resources to make shipments of war, and thus exchange them for WIs. And for this, the most important thing is to make grass and tables, since the rest is easier to find in market.

To do this trick:
  • we must have the factories available (all of them);
  • we will need to have available the 11 slots of the hardware, construction, garden and furniture commercial buildings;
  • we will need 1 hour of our time, as this process requires constant attention;
  • we will need 2 cheetah tokens (gold) and 2 llama tokens (silver);
  • and we will need at least 25 slots in the storage, although the more the better.


STEP 1: Set up the factories

First, put all the factories into production. Let's suppose we have 10 factories, so we will set them to produce as follows:

  • 1 with chemicals
  • 1 with minerals
  • 4 with seeds
  • 2 with plastics
  • 1 with wood
  • 1 with metal

Once all the material is available, the chemicals and seeds are collected, and replaced with 1 of plastics, 2 of wood and 2 of metal, and start manufacturing, leaving:

  • 1 with minerals
  • 3 with plastics
  • 3 with wood
  • 3 with metals

While these last raw materials come out, the next step begins.


STEP 2: Putting up the commercial buildings

Start with the hardware commercial building, and put hammers and shovels in it alternately, until the available raw materials are exhausted. We will have to immediately replenish plastics, wood and metals from the factories from which we collect them. We then put a cheetah clock in the hardware store.

After a minute, when we have metals in the factories again, we go to the commercial building store, and we will make 2 nails and a plank, and we will repeat this pattern until we run out of raw materials. We will put another cheetah token here.

We will have to replenish raw materials as they run out from the factories. This is very important.

Now, as shovels come out, we must put to produce grass in the garden store; and likewise when hammers, planks and nails come out, we must put tables to produce in the furniture store. When in any of the two we reach 3 products in the production queue, it will be when we put the llama token in this commercial building (and not before).

We will have to perform these operations for an hour, watching that we do not stay idle in any commercial building with speed-up token.

If at any time you feel overwhelmed in any of the commercial buildings; you can intersperse a paint in the commercial building store, or a trowel in the hardware store. This will make production more leisurely. But, at the beginning, don't put pauses, only after the first 20 minutes make the pauses if you find yourself collapsed.

Finally, you just have to wait for the garden and furniture commercial buildings to finish their production. Obviously, you could speed up the production even more, but this trick is designed to optimize the process by spending the minimum number of chips in a reasonable time.