Advanced Trick
If the easiest tasks do not appear in the list, the streaks will be more affordable.

The streaks in the Contest of Mayors are consecutive tasks, which if you finish them successfully, will give you some extra points for doing it.

These streaks can be very complicated. To make them easier you have to take advantage of a feature of the tasks in the contest: the visible tasks are never repeated.

So the trick is to remove from the lower tasks all the easy tasks, and leave only the difficult ones (which will be the ones that will not appear in the streak). This way, when the streak is activated, no difficult tasks will appear.

In the image on the left is the task "Earn Simoleons", which is one of the easiest tasks, so that it does not appear in the list of tasks before starting the streak, and thus is more likely to appear in a streak. The same should be done with those that the gamer considers that are more affordable to do for him, he should do them first.

Considerations: it is important to keep in mind that doing all the tasks with few points may not be entirely advisable to win the contest, so it is necessary to evaluate which ones to do and which ones to leave. Experience in these cases is a great ally. In this trick it is explained that the easy tasks should be done, which does not imply that they are the tasks with few plumbob points.