Advanced Trick
Buy in clubs with different level of club war to get new boosters.
War commercial building in Simcity BuildIt

To buy the desired boosters, this is a faster way to acquire them.

The War commercial building changes every hour, and also changes for everyone at the same time. When you are out of a war, visit other clubs with different battle level, i.e. if your club is on field 5, visit clubs that are on scenary (arena) 6,4,3,2. In scenary 1 there are no boosters, so there is no point in visiting it.

Once in another club with a different battle level (arena or scenary), visit the battle building commercial building, and you will see that the boosters have changed. Take advantage of this and buy the ones you want.

Do it in each arena, 10 minutes before the commercial building changes. And once the commercial building changes, do the same thing again. You will surely get those boosters you wanted so much.

Note: in each arena different boosters are shown, but in the same arena, even if the clubs are different, you will see the same boosters.