Expert Only Trick
In battles with tough opponents it is good to use the boosters vampire level 1 and pump level 3 at the same time.
Boosters v1 and ac3 placed in a city in Simcity BuildIt

This trick is used to avoid wasting the level 3 bomb.

In close battles, when the opponent is tough, it is easy that, when you put a level 3 pump (P3), some attentive opponent could put a level 3 vampire and ruin your hopes of recovering energy quickly.

So to avoid this situation, it is sometimes good to consider putting a simple vampire (level 1) and then an accelerator (a bomb) of level 3 so that the opponent does not frustrate your intentions. It has advantages and disadvantages.


  • The opponent can do nothing to block you, except waste freezes.
  • You recover one energy point every 3 minutes approximately.
  • In the x3 section of the War, you recover energy every minute without the opponent being able to do much.



  • You spend 2 boosters, which depending on the opponent and the arena you are in, can be important to reserve.
  • You do not take advantage of the potential of the level 3 pump.


How to do it:

Although it may seem indistinct, it is better to put on the level 1 vampire first, and then the level 3 pump (accelerator). If you put on the level 3 pump first, it could be that a very attentive opponent gets ahead of the action and puts on you level 3 vampire. It is difficult to happen (but it has happened), so better to do it this way.